CSC 120 Programming Assignment 8

Note: You should not work on this assignment during class-time unless:
  1. You have completed all of the in-class assigned work for the day, and
  2. You have permission from the instructor.

This assignment must be handed in to your instructor's handin folder before the beginning of class on the due date.


Write a Java application that uses the split method of the String class to convert text input in a specified format into an array of objects, a song, or a visual image, depending on the problem you choose to solve.


  1. Start with an file that is similar to the one used for Lab # 12 — there should be two TextAreas in the output window, one for accepting input and one for displaying output.  There should be a button that the user will click to process the contents of the input text area.

  2. Choose a problem to work on from one of these four options:

    Option 1:  Modified PA7
    (adding the ability to read starting data for the array in PA7 from a JTextArea)
    (note: this is definitely the easiest option for this assignment)
    Option 2:  Baseball Statistics
    (about equal in difficulty with option 3)
    Option 3:  Play a Song! Option 4:  Display an Image
    (by far the most challenging of the four options)

It is expected that each student will complete this assignment INDIVIDUALLY.

Grading Rubric:

CSC 120, PA8, your name, date & Description comments in 3
Program has a user interface that allows user to paste multi-line text into an input TextArea and click a button to process the input into results 6
Program correctly splits input into individual lines 6
Program splits each input line into separate values correctly 8
Program processes data and produces results as described in the problem description for the option chosen by the student 14
Your code is easy to read, and indented consistently. 3
Total 40