Data Types for Object Properties ================================ Integer -- positive or negative whole number, or zero (3 other types for non-decimal numbers: Byte, Short, Long) Double -- number with a digits to the left and right of the decimal point ( 1 other type for decimal numbers: Float) String -- text data Boolean -- true or false value Color, Font, Graphics -- classes that come with Java in the Java Class Hierarchy Balloon, Flag, SmileySun, Boat -- classes that we write Operators ========= Symbols that have meaning in a Java program data type of the result of the operation depends upon the data type(s) of the values being operated upon (the operands) Integer operators (both operands are Integers; result is an Integer) -------------------------------------------------------------------- + : addition - : subtraction * : multiplication / : integer division % : remainder Double operators (one or both operands are Doubles; result is a Double) ------------------------------------------------------------------- + : addition - : subtraction * : multiplication / : real division (gives a decimal part to the answer) String operator (one or both operands are Strings; result is a String) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + : concatenation (making a new text string out of two pieces) ex. "Hello" + "Goodbye" ---> "HelloGoodbye" "The answer is " + 15.7 ---> "The answer is 15.7" Operator Precedence Rules ========================= ( ) * / % + -